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2020 Josephs Love Stories

Katie Wilson

We have so much love to share here at josephs we decided that 2020 was the year we should share some of our customer stories with you - with their permission of course!

We have 20 Love stories we want to share with you from now until the end of the year! Every 2 weeks we will share a love story of two people celebrating their love at 20:00 starting February 14th on our social media platform - so you know exactly when to take a look!

Our first love story is of Mr & Mrs Valentine on valentines day! Yes you heard right - and no were not just making this up because it's Valentines Day. Beth and James are featured on their wedding day exchanging and wearing their rings from Josephs on our instagram and Facebook page.

We're on the look out for more stories to post throughout 2020. Do you want to share your love story? If your love story (engagement, wedding, for an eternity etc) involves Josephs jewellery then please get in touch as we’d love to feature you. We can’t wait to hear from you.❤️❤️

Charlotte & Matt on their Wedding Day.



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